Events Page

This is a chronological archive (going backward in time) of Status Reports.

The Archived Status Reports are available on PDF from the General Store.
They are divided into two (2) PDFs: 2007-2014 AND 2015-2020.

To visit a specific Farm Category or Renovation Project,
click here to go to the Project List.

May 1, 2023

Happy May Day! Blessed Beltaine! Spring has finally arrived.

COVID UPDATE (I'm just as tired as everyone else about this -- which is why I keep talking about it.)

Well, it was bound to happen... after avoiding covid for three years, it has entered our household. The hubby got back from a business trip on Friday night and tested positive today. So, we are isolating both from the world and from each other (hoping I don't get it, please please please) for the next week... or more if I catch it from him. Once we are covid-free, we will reinstate farm sales (by appointment as always)... I'll let you know when I know.

The exchange of goods for payment at a distance has been working very well and I see no reason to stop offering that option to everyone... just ask for 'curbside service' when you contact me. I will continue to practice social distancing around everyone outside and ask you to wear a mask inside our house (for example, if you are taking a tour of the Green Building Project).


2022 was what I would call 'back to business as usual' in that we only extracted once in the late Fall with the bees providing a lovely harvest (beyond their own stock). The honey is a deep amber, flavorful, and a nice thick consistency. I was able to acquire enough glass containers so you won't have to choose between glass or plastic this year. (I have filled a few 12 oz squeeze bottles and I have extra empty 12 oz sqeeze bottles if you like to put your honey into that kind of container.)

PLUS, I am surprised to be able to tell you that there is a small quantity of “21 SELECT” honey available. This exquisite product from 2021 is of such high quality/flavor, you pay a premium for it (truly, I’d just as soon hide it away for my private use, but that seems petty and ungenerous).

All the info about pricing etc. is on the page devoted to honey and honey-products, click here to go there. Raw Honey is available here at the farm (or for delivery under the restrictions described, but not shipped).

I'm continuing to offer business-to-business (B2B) pricing for honey (and beeswax). So long as another business wants to use my honey in their value-added products, I am happy to negotiate a price that is lower than retail (whether what they want is already bottled or they have their own container). However, I do NOT sell wholesale/commercial honey. What's the difference, you ask? It is when someone wants to purchase my honey cheap in large quantities and sell it as their own at the same (or higher) price. That might make sense for them, but no sense at all for me. I'd rather end up with excess honey that I can donate to food pantries than create a competitor for selling my product FROM my product.


We have an abundance of beeswax! Because the hubby has learned some techniques to increase the spacing in the supers, we are ending up with plenty of beeswax. Also, our wax is primarily being melted and filtered using SOLAR ENERGY. The hubby has created the PERFECT solar 'oven' using sheets of insulation combined with a repurposed double-glazed window pane that he can adjust so that the inside temp on sunny days is perfect for melting the wax through the filter. Isn’t that wonderful! Cosmetic grade beeswax is available in 1-ounce ingots, 1-pound blocks or in chunks at a weight of your choosing. (Again, I do NOT sell wholesale/commercial beeswax. I do sell beeswax under the B2B model described above.) Contact me for more info on this.

All the info about pricing etc. is on the page devoted to honey and honey-products, click here to go there.


Last year was a great growing season for our berries and rhubarb, etc. Crossing my fingers and toes that we DON'T have late freezes that keep us from having apples. As always, if you haven't already told me about a crop that you want notification of when they are ready to be harvested, please contact me!


It was a BIG surprise when I checked the website for when I last updated it. How could I have neglected it for an entire year? Well, I'll tell you because I've figured it out. After my Mom died in August 2021, she left us a little money and it was enough for the hubby and I to take an extended vacation to Scotland in August/September 2022. Starting in January of 2022 (once we knew that travel possible again), my focus was on planning and executing that vacation. You might say I had tunnel vision. The neglect to update you about what has happened on the farm was the sacrifice I needed to make to see a bucket list item come to pass. Yes, we made it to Scotland. Yes, it was a FABULOUS TRIP. Yes, I wish we could have stayed there and I am working to get back there.

Which is not to say that we did nothing on the farm in 2022 and I am able to focus on the website about the farm once again and am resolved to catch you up on everything that I have overlooked (including things before 2022). The list with links to each is as follows:


I have nothing new on the horizon in 2023 for the Green Building Project portion of this adventure (beyond basic maintence, some interior painting... things like that). Crossing my fingers and toes that we DON'T have any problems (either foreseen or unforeseen).


Get a limited edition print or a bit of 'bling' for yourself or as a gift for someone else. Check out the other things for sale from the farm.


You can see examples here. Please contact me to schedule a commission.


I've decided to leave my "Soap Box Sermon" in place here. The more we say the words and feel the feelings, the stronger the actions of Kindness, Gratitude and Joy become.

My intention for 2023 is KINDNESS, JOY, and GRATITUDE. So I'll be doing everything I can to spread those around.

And, in case I haven't been clear; we are liberal environmentalists. We think that EVERYTHING is interconnected and what is done to ANYONE or ANYTHING ELSE affects EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. For those who believe in "God, Our Father," this should be obvious since God is IN EVERYTHING because God IS EVERYWHERE. Which is where the "what you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me" comes in to play. Every religion has their version of the Golden Rule which is: treat others as you want to be treated. And that is true for non-religious people as well.

Science is Real. Water is Life. Black Lives Matter. Women's Rights are Human Rights. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. Love is Love is Love is Love.

'Superiority' and 'Race' are constructs created to justify treating others badly. They are not real. We are all unique and still we all have SO MUCH IN COMMON. Stop, just stop, being hateful. Be Unconditional Love.

January 27, 2022

I'm getting read for the Lunar New Year. It occurs on February 1, 2022 and for the Chinese calendar shows it brings in the Year of the Tiger. It is also Imbolc (in the Northern Hemisphere) which is midway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Most people associate it with Groundhog's Day (a chance to watch a funny movie, LOL).

Another New Year, another chance to resolve to be a kinder, more compassionate person practicing unconditional love (which also includes setting boundaries and holding others accountable for their actions). And while we are on that subject... every day is a new beginning and an opportunity to put the past behind and work at being that better being. (See what I did there? LOL)



Between the reluctance of people to get vaccinated and the delta variant spreading in our area, the number of cases is STILL high where we live. The hubby and I keep a close watch on the progression of the disease and that means even though we are both fully vaccinated, we continue to mask in public and minimize our exposure to the public.

If you, like us, are still encountering people who are still unsure about getting the vaccine, try telling them this: It is among the unvaccinated that the virus mutates and makes possible a variant from which the vaccination might not be protection. Please get vaccinated if you have not already.

The exchange of goods for payment at a distance has been working very well and I see no reason why we can't continue with it for as long as necessary... just ask for "curbside service" when you contact me. Stay safe, wear your mask (correctly) and have faith in science.

By the way, I am slowly adapting to taking my mask off inside (but only around other vaccinated people). I know people who are totally okay with unmasking not knowing the status of the people around them and that is fine for them... it isn't fine for me, yet; and I need to do what makes me feel safe. I only unmask inside with other vaccinated people. This is about me and no one else. Outside is a easier for me to be unmasked, so long as we social distance.


Raw Honey is available here at the farm (or for delivery under the restrictions described, but not shipped). I still haven't found a retailer or consignment store I want to work with in the Kansas City Metro area. If you know of anyone looking to add Raw Honey, please let me know.

I've added a business-to-business (B2B) option for honey (and beeswax) this year. So long as another business wants to use my honey in their value-added products, I am happy to negotiate a price that is lower than retail (whether what they want is already bottled or they have their own container). However, I do NOT sell wholesale/commercial honey. What's the difference, you ask? It is when someone wants to purchase my honey cheap in large quantities and sell it as their own at the same (or higher) price. That might make sense for them, but no sense at all for me. I'd rather end up with excess honey that I can donate to food pantries than create a competitor for selling my product FROM my product.

We have been truly blessed by our honeybees in 2021! They were ready for supers early in the Spring and filled them up SO FAST that we ended up with THREE BATCHES to sell this year. The Spring Honey was extracted BEFORE the clover burst forth and the Fall has both clover and late season influences.

PLUS, I have a small quantity of “21 SELECT” honey which is an exquisite product! Because it is such high quality/flavor, you pay a premium for it (truly, I’d just as soon hide it away for my private use, but that seems petty and ungenerous).

I am offering both 1-pound (16 oz) and 2-pound (32 oz) jars in BPA-free Plastic in addition to Glass this year. Manufacturers of containers had to focus on things relating to the pandemic and so sourcing glass honey containers has been, shall we say, challenging. I was able to get Glass because I ordered early (because of the Spring Raw Honey), but when I went to order more (having discovered there would be a bountiful Fall Raw Honey harves)... well, the glass was just not available. Therefore, I split the glass between the Spring and Fall batches.

All the info about pricing etc. is on the page devoted to honey and honey-products, click here to go there.


We have an abundance of beeswax! Because the hubby has learned some techniques to increase the spacing in the supers, we are ending up with plenty of beeswax. Also, our wax is primarily being melted and filtered using SOLAR ENERGY. We have found that our Honda Insight is the PERFECT solar 'oven' because the inside temps on sunny days is perfect for melting the wax through the filter. Isn’t that wonderful! Cosmetic grade beeswax is available in 1-ounce ingots, 1-pound blocks or in chunks at a weight of your choosing. (Again, I do NOT sell wholesale/commercial beeswax. I do sell beeswax under the B2B model described above.) Contact me for more info on this.

All the info about pricing etc. is on the page devoted to honey and honey-products, click here to go there.


Last year was a great growing season for our berries. Crossing my fingers and toes that we DON'T have late freezes that keep us from having apples. As always, if you haven't already told me about a crop that you want notification of when they are ready to be harvested, please contact me!


I have nothing new on the horizon in 2022 for the Green Building Project portion of this adventure. Crossing my fingers and toes that we DON'T have any problems (either foreseen or unforeseen). You might say I need a bit of a vacation in 2022... who doesn't?


I've decided to leave my "Soap Box Sermon" in place here. The more we say the words and feel the feelings, the stronger the actions of Kindness, Gratitude and Joy become.

There is so much unpleasantness going on around the world, why haven't people learned to be kind to one another? My intention for 2021 is KINDNESS, JOY, and GRATITUDE. So I'll be doing everything I can to spread those around.

And, in case I haven't been clear; we are liberal environmentalists. We think that EVERY THING is interconnected and what is done to ANYONE or ANYTHING ELSE affects EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. For those who believe in "God, Our Father", this should be obvious since God is IN EVERYTHING because God IS EVERYWHERE. Which is where the "what you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me" comes in to play. Every religion has their version of the Golden Rule which is: treat others as you want to be treated. And that is true for non-religious people as well.

Science is Real. Water is Life. Black Lives Matter. Women's Rights are Human Rights. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. Love is Love is Love is Love.

"Superiority" and "Race" are constructs created to justify treating others badly. They are not real. We are all unique and still we all have SO MUCH IN COMMON. Stop, just stop, being hateful. Be Unconditional Love.

MERCHANDISE (formerly General Store)

I have sold MOST of the cattle supplies/equipment. Details about what is still available is found HERE.

Get a limited edition print for yourself or as a gift for someone else. Check out the other things for sale from the farm.


You can see examples here. Please contact me to schedule a commission.

October 31, 2021

Today is Samhain (pronounced "sow when") but you probably know this day as Halloween. So Happy whatever you celebrate!

It took a long time for Summer to give up to Autumn this year. I had tomatoes ripening on the vine until last week! A long summer is great for some things, but a bummer for others. We take what we get and make the best we can of it.

One fortunate thing has been the extended growing season. Especially since I reconnected with a long time farming acquaintance when she came out to purchase some of our used equipment. She keeps hair-sheep (for meat) and does regenerative grazing like we did. Since our pastures were overgrown (nicely so from her perspective, LOL) from not having livestock the last year and only a sometime-working tractor for mowing it; it was a perfect fit for her to bring her flock to our pastures in September/October. They ate down our green stuff and let her pastures have a growing time/rest before winter grazing. It really is a win-win situation because besides stripping the weeds/low hanging leaves and mowing the grasses/forbs, we got the land fertilized and irrigated by the animals as they tramped around. She is also letting us have some lamb meat as a thank you which is both a lovely gesture and REALLY TASTY! It's been great having animals around again (especially not being responsible for them, LOL) and watching the lambs play with the older sheep; plus they were protected by a miniature donkey and that was interesting as well. We're talking about doing it again next year.


Between the reluctance of people to get vaccinated and the delta variant spreading in our area, the number of cases is STILL high where we live. The hubby and I keep a close watch on the progression of the disease and that means even though we are both fully vaccinated, we continue to mask in public and minimize our exposure to the public.

If you, like us, are still encountering people who are still unsure about getting the vaccine, try telling them this: It is among the unvaccinated that the virus mutates and makes possible a variant from which the vaccination might not be protection. Please get vaccinated if you have not already.

The exchange of goods for payment at a distance has been working very well and I see no reason why we can't continue with it for as long as necessary... just ask for "curbside service" when you contact me. Stay safe, wear your mask (correctly) and have faith in science.

By the way, I am slowly adapting to taking my mask off inside (but only around other vaccinated people). I know people who are totally okay with unmasking not knowing the status of the people around them and that is fine for them... it isn't fine for me, yet; and I need to do what makes me feel safe. I only unmask inside with other vaccinated people. This is about me and no one else. Outside is a easier for me to be unmasked, so long as we social distance.


Raw Honey is available here at the farm (or for delivery under the restrictions posted, but not shipped). I still haven't found a retailer or consignment store I want to work with in the Kansas City Metro area. If you know of anyone looking to add Raw Honey, please let me know.

I've added a business-to-business (B2B) option for honey this year. So long as another business wants to use my honey in their value-added products, I am happy to negotiate a price that is lower than retail (whether what they want is already bottled or they have their own container). However, I do NOT sell wholesale/commercial honey. What's the difference, you ask? It is when someone wants to purchase my honey cheap and sell it as their own at the same (or higher) price. That might make sense for them, but no sense at all for me. I'd rather end up with excess honey that I can donate to food pantries than create a competitor for selling my product FROM my product.

We have been truly blessed by our honeybees this year! They were ready for supers early in the Spring and filled them up SO FAST that we have THREE BATCHES to sell this year. The Spring Honey was extracted BEFORE the clover burst forth and the Summer Honey AFTER and the Fall has both clover and late season influences. You can choose between these batches: Spring and Fall are completely bottled and Summer is still in it's storage buckets.

PLUS, I have a small quantity of "21 SELECT" honey which is an exquisite product! Because it is such high quality/flavor, you pay a premium for it (truly, I'd just as soon hide it away for my private use, but that seems petty and ungenerous).

I am offering 16- and 32-ounce jars in BPA-free Plastic in addition to Glass this year. Manufacturers of containers had to focus on things relating to the pandemic and so sources for glass honey containers has been, shall we say, challenging. I was able to get Glass because I ordered early (because of the Spring Raw Honey), but when I went to order more (having discovered there would be such a bountiful Summer and Fall Raw Honey harvest)... well, the glass was just not available. Therefore, I split the glass between the Spring and Fall batches rather than force plastic on anyone.

Because the hubby has learned some techniques to increase the spacing in the supers, we are ending up with plenty of beeswax! Also, our wax is primarily being melted and filtered using SOLAR ENERGY. We have found that our Honda Insight is the PERFECT solar "oven" because the inside temps on sunny days is perfect for melting the wax through the filter. Isn't that wonderful!
Cosmetic grade beeswax is available in 1-ounce ingots, 1-pound blocks or in chunks at a weight of your choosing. Contact me for more info on this.

All the info about pricing etc. is on the page devoted to honey and honey-products, click here to go there.


The berry and fruit seasons have passed and we had good amounts of most things. I don't want to jinx next year, BUT the rhubarb is looking exceptionally hearty. I hope the change of variety means we'll have an abundance of rhubarb in the Spring.

The Paw Paws were not as abundant as it appeared they would be in the Spring. I guess those hard freezes caught some of the flowers. We ended up with an early ripening and a late ripening with an empty week between. But no worries, everyone that wanted Paw Paws got them and I even have some extra in the freezer for us.


The window pane replacement went very smoothly. In case you don't remember that project was the replacement of a double-paned window in our "bow window" that had condensation between the panes. The professional glazier came as scheduled to do the work and also fixed a couple of casement handle mechanisms. Click here to go the page with photos of his visit.

It suddenly occurred to us that we hadn't had the septic tank pumped for several years. Luckily, we were able to get that done and even installed a riser to make it easier in the future. Click here to to visit the page about our Septic System.

I was able to clean and seal the deck of the south porch this month. Click here to see images and read the saga.

Check out how I turned "lemons into lemonade" when I replaced some curtain rods.


I've decided to leave my "Soap Box Sermon" in place here. The more we say the words and feel the feelings, the stronger the actions of Kindness, Gratitude and Joy become.

There is so much unpleasantness going on around the world, why haven't people learned to be kind to one another? My intention for 2021 is KINDNESS, JOY, and GRATITUDE. So I'll be doing everything I can to spread those around.

And, in case I haven't been clear; we are liberal environmentalists. We think that EVERY THING is interconnected and what is done to ANYONE or ANYTHING ELSE affects EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. For those who believe in "God, Our Father", this should be obvious since God is IN EVERYTHING because God IS EVERYWHERE. Which is where the "what you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me" comes in to play. Every religion has their version of the Golden Rule which is: treat others as you want to be treated. And that is true for non-religious people as well.

Science is Real. Water is Life. Black Lives Matter. Women's Rights are Human Rights. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. Love is Love is Love is Love.

"Superiority" and "Race" are constructs created to justify treating others badly. They are not real. We are all unique and still we all have SO MUCH IN COMMON. Stop, just stop, being hateful. Be Unconditional Love.

August 6, 2021

Summer is HOT and HUMID this year. We are grateful that there has been a steady amount of rainfall which means lots of mowing but very little watering.

With hot weather my thoughts turn to SHADE. We have LOTS of mature trees here and several of them shade the house in the afternoon and evening hours. Unfortunately, they happen to be Green Ash and we are starting to see lower limbs dying off...not sure if this is normal or if we have Emerald Ash Borers at work. Either way it means cutting out the dead wood and thinking about what to plant in their places and when to consider having the Ash trees cut down. I hate to have to cut down trees.


Between the reluctance of people to get vaccinated and the delta variant spreading in our area, the number of cases is HIGH where we live. The hubby and I keep a close watch on the progression of the disease and that means even though we are both fully vaccinated, we continue to mask in public and minimize our exposure to the public.

Getting the vaccine (we ended up with Pfizer) was easy and we each had good experiences at our respective locations/appointments. I highly recommend it because while you still need to minimize your exposure and becareful to NOT spread it if you do get it, you are less likely to die or need hospitalization. And it is among the unvaccinated that the virus mutates and makes possible a variant from which the vaccination might not be protection. Please get vaccinated if you have not already.

The exchange of goods for payment at a distance has been working very well and I see no reason why we can't continue with it for as long as necessary... just ask for "curbside service" when you contact me. Stay safe, wear your mask (correctly) and have faith in science.

By the way, I am one of those people who isn't ready to be maskless inside. I know people who are okay with it and that is fine for them... it isn't fine for me, yet; and I need to do what makes me feel safe. This is about me and no one else. Outside is a different matter so long as we social distance.


Raw Honey is available here at the farm (or for delivery under the restrictions posted, but not shipped) until I find a retailer or consignment store to work with in the Kansas City Metro area. If you know of anyone looking to add Raw Honey, please let me know.

We have been truly blessed by our honeybees this year! They were ready for supers early in the Spring and filled them up SO FAST that we have TWO BATCHES to sell this year. The Spring Honey was extracted BEFORE the clover burst forth and the Summer Honey AFTER. You can choose between these batches.

I also am offering 16 and 32 ounce jars in BPA-free plastic in addition to Glass this year. Manufacturers of containers are focusing on things relating to the pandemic and so sources for honey containers is, shall we say, challenging. I was able to get Glass because I ordered early (because of the Spring Raw Honey), but when I went to order more when we discovered there would be such a bountiful Summer Raw Honey harvest... well, the glass was just not available. Therefore, I'll be splitting the glass between the batches rather than force plastic on anyone.

Because the hubby has learned some techniques to increase the spacing in the supers, we are ending up with plenty of beeswax! Also, all our wax is being melted and filtered using SOLAR ENERGY. We have found that our Honda Insight is the PERFECT solar "oven" because the inside temps on sunny days is perfect for melting the wax through the filter. Isn't that wonderful!
Cosmetic grade beeswax is available in 1-ounce ingots, 1-pound blocks or in chunks at a weight of your choosing. Contact me for more info on this.

All the info about pricing etc. is on the page devoted to honey and honey-products, click here to go there.


We had a FABULOUS harvest of STRAWBERRIES this year! I have plenty in the freezer if you are hankering for some sweet, juicy goodness.

The Japanese Beetles (JP) arrived like clock-work the week before the Summer Solstice. They did their usual damage and ended the strawberry season BUT not the blackberry season! Strangely, our BLACKBERRIES were late to flower and therefore to berry this year. So when the JP arrived, all the berries were still red and not ripe. The hubby was diligent and picked the ripened berries every day, which kept the JP from noticing the blackberries for a LONG while. We have an abundance of blackberries in the freezer for your pleasure.

All good things do come to an end and eventually the JP did find the blackberries. Ah well, that is the way of things.

The next berries due to ripen are ELDERBERRIES. Contact me if you want to pick your own and I'll contact you when they are ripe so we can set up an appointment so you can pick without worrying about other people in the patch at the same time.

After the elderberries, the ARONIABERRIES will be ready for harvest. I remember seeing some REALLY early flowers this year and so there are a few REALLY early berries, but it will be several weeks before the bulk of the berries are ripe. Which is usually AFTER the JP have "gone to ground". Contact me if you want to pick your own aroniaberries and I'll contact you when they are ripe so we can set up an appointment so you can pick without worrying about other people in the patch at the same time.

The PawPaw trees are really happy and while I haven't specifically searched for fruit, what I've noticed leads me to believe we will have a great PAWPAW season! Contact me if you want PawPaws and I'll contact you when they are ripe so we can set up an appointment so you can retrieve the ripened fruit we collect as it falls.

PERSIMMONS may not be in abundance this year. We heard the humming of the honeybees collecting nectar and pollen from the flowers this spring, but I have not seen very many fruit on the trees. Seems like persimmons are boom or bust... but contact me if you want me to keep you informed about their availability.


I've decided to leave my "Soap Box Sermon" in place here. The more we say the words and feel the feelings, the stronger the actions of Kindness, Gratitude and Joy become.

There is so much unpleasantness going on around the world, why haven't people learned to be kind to one another? My intention for 2021 is KINDNESS, JOY, and GRATITUDE. So I'll be doing everything I can to spread those around.

And, in case I haven't been clear; we are liberal environmentalists. We think that EVERY THING is interconnected and what is done to ANYONE or ANYTHING ELSE affects EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. For those who believe in "God, Our Father", this should be obvious since God is IN EVERYTHING because God IS EVERYWHERE. Which is where the "what you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me" comes in to play. Every religion has their version of the Golden Rule which is: treat others as you want to be treated. And that is true for non-religious people as well.

Science is Real. Water is Life. Black Lives Matter. Women's Rights are Human Rights. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. Love is Love is Love is Love.

"Superiority" and "Race" are constructs created to justify treating others badly. They are not real. We are all unique and still we all have SO MUCH IN COMMON. Stop, just stop, being hateful. Be Unconditional Love.


Gratefully, the pandemic has not stopped our ability to keep working on the house. We have several inside projects to do and will tackle the ones we can do ourselves first. Check back for updates.

The current project is the replacement of a double-paned window in our "bow window" that has condensation between the panes. A professional glazier is scheduled to do the work and also fix a couple of casement handle mechanisms. He has already told us he will be masking while he is either inside or outside our house.

Hopefully, by the time we are ready to do projects that require hired crews (multiple people inside), the pandemic will be contained and a playbook put into use for any future outbreaks of disease.

MERCHANDISE (formerly General Store)

I have sold MOST of the cattle supplies/equipment. Details about what is still available is found HERE.

Get a limited edition print for yourself or as a gift for someone else. I will be adding more hand-made items for sale now that the income from edible products has diminished. I am also setting up an Etsy account... information about that will be found on the Merchandise page with a link once I've moved the inventory .


You can see examples here. Please contact me to schedule a commission.


I no longer sell beef. What was left from the last steer has been sold or donated to Harvesters. I am happy to provide my meat customers with alternate sources if you contact me privately.

Have I "converted" to a non-meat livestyle? No, I haven't. Science has proven that even plants react to their environment and/or predators. Since we have to kill something in order to eat it, I simply give thanks to and for whatever provides me nourishment. I take no joy in killing anything and understand that everything has a beginning and an ending.

Back to the Top

May 20, 2021

Spring has finally arrived and as I look out the window I see trees in leaf, flowers in bloom, birds flitting from here to there and am reminded of all the beauty that is nature.


Surprisingly, the hubby and I didn't have to wait as long as I expected to get a covid-19 vaccination. We simply did a search for our state's locations and filled out the form and scheduled our appointments. It was easy and we each had good experiences at our respective locations/appointments. I highly recommend it.

If you have not gotten your vaccine or are just not ready to be "back to normal"... not to worry, the exchange of goods for payment at a distance has been working very well and I see no reason why we can't continue with it for as long as necessary... just ask for the "at a distance" exchange when you contact me. Stay safe, wear your mask (correctly) and have faith in science.

By the way, I am one of those people who isn't ready to be maskless inside with people I don't know. I know people who are okay with it and that is fine for them... it isn't fine for me, yet; and I need to do what makes me feel safe. This is about me and no one else. Outside is a different matter so long as we social distance.


Raw Honey is available here at the farm (or for delivery under the restrictions posted, but not shipped) AND at a local boutique in Odessa Missouri: Marmee's. Prices are the same whether you go to Marmee's or get it directly from me.

I'm noticing that this most recent batch of raw honey has started to crystallize. We think it is due to the time of year we pulled the supers off the hives... more clover honey and less fall honey. Regardless, it is perfectly fine to use crystallized.

Since I have sold out of the 2-lb jars, I will gladly substitute two (2) of the 1-lb jars for the 2-lb price. You'll have to ask me for that (one of the benefits of reading the website update).

I've sold all the beeswax from 2020. Come fall, I will have more and it will once again be available in two (2) choices for cosmetic grade beeswax: 1-ounce ingots and 1-pound blocks. Contact me for more info on this.

All the info about pricing etc. is on the page devoted to honey and honey-products, click here to go there.


The transplanted strawberries are looking FABULOUS! There are blossoms and berries in both raised beds. And with the cool temps and lovely rain, it looks like the strawberries will be plentiful and good sized. At this rate, I expect they will be ready to harvest around Memorial Day. Contact me to get notified when they are ready.

It is too soon to tell about the rest, but I'm seeing lots of flower buds out there! Unfortunately, we had freezes around the time that the fruit trees were in blossom, so it's anybody's guess about apples, pears, etc.

The rhubarb corms that arrived this spring have survived (so far) but won't be big enough to harvest this year. I also planted raspberry and blueberry starts in addition to expanding to a 2nd elderberry patch. So cross your fingers for rhubarb, raspberries, blueberries and LOTS of elderberries in 2022.


I've decided to leave my "Soap Box Sermon" in place here. The more we say the words and feel the feelings, the stronger the actions of Kindness, Gratitude and Joy become.

There is so much unpleasantness going on around the world, why haven't people learned to be kind to one another? My intention for 2021 is KINDNESS, JOY, and GRATITUDE. So I'll be doing everything I can to spread those around.

And, in case I haven't been clear; we are liberal environmentalists. We think that EVERY THING is interconnected and what is done to ANYONE or ANYTHING ELSE affects EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. For those who believe in "God, Our Father", this should be obvious since God is IN EVERYTHING because God IS EVERYWHERE. Which is where the "what you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me" comes in to play. Every religion has their version of the Golden Rule which is: treat others as you want to be treated.

Science is Real. Water is Life. Black Lives Matter. Women's Rights are Human Rights. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. Love is Love is Love is Love.

"Superiority" and "Race" are constructs created to justify treating others badly. They are not real. We are all unique and still we all have SO MUCH IN COMMON. Stop, just stop, being hateful. Be Unconditional Love.


Gratefully, the pandemic has not stopped our ability to keep working on the house. We have several inside projects to do and will tackle the ones we can do ourselves first. Check back for updates.

Hopefully, by the time we are ready to do projects that require hired crews, the pandemic will be contained and a playbook put into use for any future outbreaks of disease.

MERCHANDISE (formerly General Store)

I'm selling the rest of the cattle supplies/equipment. There are polybraid, reels, t-posts/insulators, and step-in posts for strip grazing. Plus a covered mineral feeder, insulated stock tank and de-icers for sale in addition to the portable cattle panel corral. Details about all the used equipment is found HERE.

Get a limited edition print for yourself or as a gift for someone else. I will be adding more hand-made items for sale now that the income from edible products has diminished. I am also setting up an Etsy account... information about that will be found on the Merchandise page with a link once I've moved the inventory .


You can see examples here. Please contact me to schedule a commission.


I no longer sell beef. What was left from the last steer has been sold or donated to Harvesters. I am happy to provide my meat customers with alternate sources if you contact me privately.

Have I "converted" to a non-meat livestyle? No, I haven't. Science has proven that even plants react to their environment and/or predators. Since we have to kill something in order to eat it, I simply give thanks to and for whatever provides me nourishment. I take no joy in killing anything and understand that everything has a beginning and an ending.

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March 4, 2021

Winter is winding down and, after a week-long burst of sub-zero temps, we are being treated to balmy days in the 50s to 70s (degrees Fahrenheit). The witchhazel began blooming in February and is still going strong... the scent of the flowers is intoxicating. We are grateful that this year the weather is cooperating to let the honeybees get out and collect both pollen and nectar from the witchhazel.


The State of Missouri is among the worst at providing services and, no suprise, vaccination plans are sketchy at best. Since the hubby and I are near to but below retirement age and we are very isolated, we expect to be among the last folk to get a covid-19 vaccination. Not to worry though, the exchange of goods for payment at a distance has been working very well and I see no reason why we can't continue with it for as long as necessary. Stay safe, wear your mask (correctly) and have faith in science.


I no longer sell beef. What was left from the last steer has been sold or donated to Harvesters. I am happy to provide my meat customers with alternate sources if you contact me privately.

Have I "converted" to a non-meat livestyle? No, I haven't. Science has proven that even plants react to their environment and/or predators. Since we have to kill something in order to eat it, I simply give thanks to and for whatever provides me nourishment. I take no joy in killing anything and understand that everything has a beginning and an ending.


The most recent field water hydrant made it through five (5) winters... almost. Check out the story about our NEW field water hydrant here.


Raw Honey is available here at the farm (or for delivery under the restrictions posted, but not shipped) AND at a local boutique in Odessa Missouri: Marmee's. Prices are the same whether you go to Marmee's (which is LOVELY and I have gotten several plus-size clothes there in addition to other items) or get it directly from me.

I'm noticing that this most recent batch of raw honey has already started to crystallize. We think it is due to the time of year we pulled the supers off the hives... more clover honey and less fall honey. Regardless, it is perfectly fine to use crystallized.

The few remaining jars of the 2018 Honey are being sold as "Crystallized Raw Honey" since it is FULLY crystallized. You'll probably notice there is a price difference between it and the 2020 Raw Honey... this is due to the increase price of jars for the 2020 honey. I have absorbed as much of that increase as possible.

I've sold all the beeswax from 2020. Come fall, I will have more and it will once again be available in two (2) choices for cosmetic grade beeswax: 1-ounce ingots and 1-pound blocks. Contact me for more info on this.

All the info about pricing etc. is on the page devoted to honey and honey-products, click here to go there.


It is too early to say if there will or won't be specific crops in 2021. By the look of things going into winter, I would hazard a guess that all is well with the plants and am optimistic.


You may not have noticed, but I've changed the logo image. (You'll find it at the top of the page on the right side.) I had to remove the Belted Galloway cow anyway, so I decided to give it a fresh look as well.

I've also updated the navigation buttons since I had to remove the one for beef. To simplify things, I put:

The rest of the navigation remains the same (why mess with what works, eh?).


I've decided to leave my "Soap Box Sermon" in place here. The more we say the words and feel the feelings, the stronger the actions of Kindness, Gratitude and Joy become.

There is so much unpleasantness going on around the world, why haven't people learned to be kind to one another? My intention for 2021 is KINDNESS, JOY, and GRATITUDE. So I'll be doing everything I can to spread those around.

And, in case I haven't been clear; we are liberal environmentalists. We think that EVERY THING is interconnected and what is done to ANYONE or ANYTHING ELSE affects EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. For those who believe in "God, Our Father", this should be obvious since God is IN EVERYTHING because God IS EVERYWHERE. Which is where the "what you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me" comes in to play. Every religion has their version of the Golden Rule which is: treat others as you want to be treated.

Science is Real. Water is Life. Black Lives Matter. Women's Rights are Human Rights. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. Love is Love is Love is Love.

"Superiority" and "Race" are constructs created to justify treating others badly. They are not real. We are all unique and still we all have SO MUCH IN COMMON. Stop, just stop, being hateful. Be Unconditional Love.


Gratefully, the pandemic has not stopped our ability to keep working on the house. We have several inside projects to do and will tackle the ones we can do ourselves first. Check back for updates.

Hopefully, by the time we are ready to do projects that require hired crews, the pandemic will be contained and a playbook put into use for any future outbreaks of disease.

MERCHANDISE (formerly General Store)

Get a limited edition print for yourself or as a gift for someone else. I will be adding more hand-made items for sale now that the income from edible products has diminished. I am also setting up an Etsy account... information about that will be found on the Merchandise page with a link once I've moved the inventory .


You can see examples here. Please contact me to schedule a commission.

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January 1, 2021

Happy New Year! Here is to 2021 being a rebirth of awareness and dedication to the importance of our connections with each other, nature and kindness. I don't think most people will take health and precautions as much for granted as we have in the past. I know I will continue to mask in public and do everything I can to NOT spread disease for as long as necessary now that we have a vaccine for our current predicament.

It is official: I no longer sell beef. What was left from the last steer has been sold or donated to Harvesters. I am happy to provide my meat customers with alternate sources if you contact me privately.

Have I "converted" to a non-meat livestyle? No, I haven't. Science has proven that even plants react to their environment/ predators. Since we have to kill something in order to eat it, I simply give thanks to and for whatever provides me nourishment. I take no joy in killing anything and understand that everything has a beginning and an ending.


You may not have noticed, but I've changed the logo image. (You'll find it at the top of the page on the right side.) I had to remove the Belted Galloway cow anyway, so I decided to give it a fresh look as well.

I've also updated the navigation buttons since I had to remove the one for beef. To simplify things, I put:

  • an updated image of the house for "Greenovation",
  • images of semi-precious gem products and my drawings to represent non-food products or "Merchandise", and
  • the honey, fruit and plant products under "Nourishment" with the image of berries and honey jars.

The rest of the navigation remains the same (why mess with what works, eh?).


I've decided to leave my "Soap Box Sermon" in place here. The more we say the words and feel the feelings, the stronger the actions of Kindness, Gratitude and Joy become.

There is so much unpleasantness going on around the world these days, why haven't people learned to be kind to one another? My intention for 2021 is KINDNESS, JOY, and GRATITUDE. So I'll be doing everything I can to spread those around.

And, in case I haven't been clear; we are liberal environmentalists. We think that EVERY THING is interconnected and what is done to ANYONE or ANYTHING ELSE affects EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. For those who believe in "God, Our Father", this should be obvious since God is IN EVERYTHING because God IS EVERYWHERE. Which is where the "what you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me" comes in to play. Every religion has their version of the Golden Rule which is: treat others as you want to be treated.

Science is Real. Water is Life. Black Lives Matter. Women's Rights are Human Rights. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. Love is Love is Love is Love.

"Superiority" and "Race" are constructs created to justify treating others badly. They are not real. We are all unique and still we all have SO MUCH IN COMMON. Stop, just stop, being hateful. Be Unconditional Love.


Raw Honey is available here at the farm (or for delivery under the restrictions posted, but not shipped) AND at a local boutique in Odessa Missouri: Marmee's. Prices are the same whether you go to Marmee's (which is LOVELY and I have gotten several plus-size clothes there in addition to other items) or get it directly from me.

I'm noticing that this most recent batch of raw honey has already started to crystallize. We think it is due to the time of year we pulled the supers off the hives... more clover honey and less fall honey. Regardless, it is perfectly fine to use crystallized.

The last of the 2018 Honey is being sold as "Crystallized Raw Honey" since it is FULLY crystallized. You'll probably notice there is a price difference between it and the 2020 Raw Honey... this is due to the increase price of jars for the 2020 honey. I have absorbed as much of that increase as possible.

There is also beeswax this year! I have two (2) choices for cosmetic grade beeswax: 1-ounce ingots and 1-pound blocks. Contact me for more info on this.

All the info about pricing etc. is on the page devoted to honey and honey-products, click here to go there.


It is too early to say if there will or won't be specific crops in 2021. By the look of things going into winter, I would hazard a guess that all is well with the plants and am optimistic.

I'll be cutting the elderberry canes in January (since that worked SO well last year). If you want cuttings, let me know!


Gratefully, the pandemic has not stopped our ability to keep working on the house. We have several inside projects to do and will tackle the ones we can do ourselves first. Check back for updates.

Hopefully, by the time we are ready to do projects that require hired crews, the pandemic will be contained and a playbook put into use for any future outbreaks of disease.

MERCHANDISE (formerly General Store)

Get a limited edition print for yourself or as a gift for someone else. I will be adding more hand-made items for sale now that the income from edible products has diminished. I am also setting up an Etsy account... information about that will be found on the Merchandise page with a link once I've moved the inventory .


You can see examples here. Please contact me to schedule a commission.

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